Domestic water supply. Lime dissolvers

Lime dissolvers

Domestic water supply.
Lime dissolvers

Lime dissolvers

The easiest and most popular method is an electronic treatment of water, which does not alter the water quality. It only eliminates the clogging effect of the cal. The water passes through an electrostatic field, which sets the dissolved mineral particles in motion and so loses its tendency to form deposits. In a few weeks, even existing deposits break up. The correct sizing of the device is determined taking into consideration the overall water consumption of the household and the dimension of the pipe work.

Consider these advantages


Apt for DIY. No plumbing costs or water interruptions. The emitters are simply clamp onto the incoming pipe


No chemicals are added so the water chemistry is not modified


Calcium levels are retained and not replaced with Sodium

Técnicas Maro
Installing and servicing heating, cooling and solar energy systems on the coast since 1992